Evolv Technology
What We Do
Evolv Technology is transforming human security by using artificial intelligence, advanced sensors, and comprehensive analytics to make gathering safer, faster, and better for all. We believe that safety is a basic human right. However, we live in a world where our safety cannot be ensured. Places where we used to gather freely in decades past have now become targets for those intending to do harm. Military installations, embassies, and airports have given way to workplaces, grocery stores, churches, and schools. Today’s attackers look for venues that are not protected by government mandates in the same way as airports. The threat landscape has dramatically shifted, and so has the way in which we live our lives. There is a pressing need to keep public spaces safe. Today, we move through life expecting a touchless, frictionless experience. We expect technology to be incorporated into our lives to create efficiencies and ease. We carry technology with us daily that supports modern living. And still, we are hindered by an outdated standard of physical security created in a different time, for a different reason, in a different world. Evolv understands that there needs to be a better way. We all deserve to feel safe to work, learn, and play. Imagine removing the burdens of today’s security so that memories can be made without stress and anxiety. By refusing to trade security for experience, we can create a world where security is ubiquitous and unobtrusive in our everyday life. Through a combination of powerful sensor technology, proven AI, and comprehensive insights, Evolv is transforming the way in which people move through life. We can now screen for threats at an unparalleled ease and speed with digital insights that continually improve the security posture of a space. This is unprecedented. And yet, there is always more to be done. When you initiate change in a standard, it is often met with resistance: From those who question change, to those who fear change, to those who believe they benefit from remaining static. Being a leader in a market requires vision: where do we need to be, and how can we educate the public on the need and benefits to customers, to stakeholders, and to society? It requires a corporate culture that embraces a commitment to constant innovation and is rooted in a deep sense of purpose. We envision a world where safety is the default. A world where your experiences are optimized. A world where peace of mind replaces fear and making memories replaces anxiety. Evolv is committed to that vision.
Architects/Engineers, Construction Products & Services, Crowd Management, General Consultants, Security, Security Consultants, Surveillance Products
500 Totten Pond Road
Waltham, MA 02451
United States

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